Traineeship: A super eventful month

A month full of actions and an overload of positivity; shadowed by the CTO for one day, international travel to the HQ, and a missed opportunity.

in culture
27. January 2022 2 minutes reading time

“Traineeships are dull, you’re solely cheap labour...”

You might’ve heard that before somewhere, at least I did, and I can assert you that SIGA proves you the opposite! Who’s got the chance to spend a full day one-on-one with the CTO of a firm that’s sized multiple hundred employees? Spoiler alert, I got it.

Shadowed by the CTO       

Yes, I was nervous and you’d better be prepared for that day^^. Daniel visited me with the intention of more profoundly comprehending the British market dynamics and the customer demands. Therefore, I was demanded to organise exciting and insightful customer visits. And I can proudly say that I honed the planning to perfection, and the joint day was a success ultimately. I believe that I seized that opportunity, convinced with a solid performance, and most importantly, learned immensly from Daniel’s experience through great and deep conversations. He’s down to earth and I could ask him pretty much anything, despite not getting all the answers. I sincerely hope he enjoyed the day as much as I did, and got to experience what he had hoped for in the first place.

Besides the day together with Daniel, SIGA invited me to a trainee event back in Ruswil, Switzerland, which was the second thrilling but also slightly nerve-racking event in that month. All current trainees within SIGA gathered at the HQ for a three days’ meetup in which networking events, individual market presentations, a creative team-building assignment, and many more interesting tasks were on the agenda. On the whole, the entire event was highly appreciated by every participant, we all benefitted from sharing our individual experiences. I would like to give a shoutout to Ivo, who made this meetup happening, for a supreme organisation of the event. Well done!

I missed the 2022 kick-off team meeting

As though my everyday positivity would not suffice, a lateral flow test confirmed the doubt that I tested positive for covid. Due to the excelling positivity, my hopes to take part in the first team meeting of the year shattered resulting in a ten day isolation instead. Despite having missed out on fun team bonding activities, such as going to an adventure room and not seeing my work colleagues, I can be grateful for being healthy and not having experienced strong symptoms whatsoever.

Meanwhile, I have recovered well and much look forward to attending the next team meeting and welcoming my team mates in person again.


Fabian started as a Trainee at SIGA in September 2021 and is now blogging and vlogging about his career.

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