Sicrall adhesive tapes lined up in production after the cutting process

SIGA set in scene

The economic development agency of the Canton of Lucerne was looking for flagships for the business location. Alongside other large companies such as Emmi or Thermoplan, SIGA was also approached, not least because of our unconventionality and innovative strength.

Alejandro Jimenez
in culture
10. February 2022 1 minutes reading time

SIGA has been developing, producing and growing in Lucerne since its birth and has no plans to change this in the future.

The clip, for which our CFO Peter Scherrer was available to answer questions, can be found here:



The video clip was produced on behalf of the Lucerne Economic Development Agency by Lucerne's friendly video production company Luvido.

Alejandro Jimenez

Communications specialist at SIGA & outdoor enthusiast

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